Common Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (Patients)
A Holter monitor is used to continuously record your heart’s electrical activity over a period of time. Patients are instructed to go on about their daily activities as normal. Once the recording is complete, the patient returns the monitor to their provider. The monitor is then analyzed, and a report is generated and reviewed.
Ensure that you take a shower or bath prior to the test. Avoid using lotions and perfumes on the skin to ensure quality electrode contact.
Your clinician will prep your skin prior to hooking you up. The skin prep procedure will include shaving of the area, rubbing the area with an abrasive pad to remove dead skin cells, and cleaning the area of oils with alcohol.
Make sure to wear a loose-fitting shirt for comfort or a button up shirt.
For best results, the patient should avoid proximity to heavy electrical equipment or other sources of electromagnetic interference such as electric blankets, heating pads, power generators, powerful magnets, ect.
Re-attach the lead wires to the electrode (sticker). If the electrode becomes loose or falls off re-place on the same area. If necessary, secure the electrode with tape.
Some patients experience irritation. This is not common; however, being a diagnostic device, mild irritation will occur.
An electrocardiogram — abbreviated as EKG or ECG — is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heartbeat. With each beat, an electrical impulse (or “wave”) travels through the heart. This wave causes the muscle to squeeze and pump blood from the heart. A normal heartbeat on ECG will show the timing of the top and lower chambers. (For more information visit The American Heart Association)
Although the cardiac device is water resistant, it is not waterproof. You should NOT submerge the device in water. The patient should be instructed to not wear the recorder in the shower or bath. For best results, it is recommended to take a sponge bath.
The patient should record the time of any symptoms they may feel while the monitor is on. Your medical provider will provide you with a diary or instruct you to note the date and time of the symptom. Ensure that the symptom recorded reflects the time on the monitor for accurate symptom analysis.
You are to perform your daily routine as normal, including mild-moderate exercise.
When the test is complete, the recorder will automatically shut off. Return the device back to your provider’s office as soon as possible with completed diary.
General Question
Frequently Asked Questions (Clinicians)
Reinserting a new battery in the device will erase the previous data.
At your discretion, you can send in the data or have the patient repeat the test. Davis Medical will contact you if the data is insufficient and verify if you would want the data processed. For short recordings we recommend having the patient redo the study for an optimal quality report.
The device has a built-in lead map and 3 channel ECG verifier to ensure all electrodes have good electrode to skin contact and prep initial to hooking up the patient.
For best results, Davis Medical recommends using Vermed Versatrode Lead-Locking Electrodes for long term monitoring. The electrodes have a lead locking wire holder to reduce any noise from movement.
If still experiencing artifact, consider changing out lead wires.
Ensure that the battery is removed from the device before placing on the docking station
Unplug and reinsert the docking station into the USB port
Restart the computer
Ensure that the blue dongle key is plugged into your computer
To clean the recorder:
- Remove the battery from the recorder.
- Dampen a soft cloth with a mild detergent and water mixture
- Clean the recorder, lead wires, and belt clip.
- Remove any adhesives from the patient lead wires
*Do not use alcohol or acetone to clean the lead wires as this can cause the wires to stiffen and the insulating plastic to crack.