Our Service
Davis Medical Zymed Holter Scanning Service offers the latest Holter software analysis program for the most difficult patients.
The Zymed Holter Scanning Service utilizes the latest software that is validated by over 30 databases. The databases are from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and American Health Association.
As a result, the software is also validated for accuracy and reliability for over 30 years.
The easy to use remote software allows physicians the ability to download and view raw ECG data. Our technicians know to contact the physician when there is a HIGH RISK patient, the data is view-able as its being processed.
Our Certified Technicians (US based) create the final reports that are ready to be interpreted to the Physicians.
How It Works
- Davis Medical will provide your facility with Holter monitors to use with your patients depending on your specific needs. We offer 24, 48, 96, and 7 day Holter monitors, and can accommodate standard Adult, Pediatric and Veterinary Holter (call for details)
- You hook up and send your patients home with your Digitrak XT recorders to collect cardiac data
- Once the patient returns the device, you upload the raw data and digitally send to Davis Medical.
- Our experienced Holter Technicians will analyze the data and send it back to you with a full analysis of any abnormalities collected from the data provided.
- Review and edit reports on main remote computer. When connected to your network, physicans can view and edit reports on their worstations. Reports can then be saved as PDFs and uploaded into your EMR